
Hey, there. So glad you came by to visit!

I write sweet Southern romance novels set mostly in the American South in the 1950s and also stirring nonfiction. In my novels, I hope you will find inspiration and a gentle--yet compelling--story that is intriguing and entertaining. About my nonfiction books, a reader wrote that I offer spiritual tonic and hope.

The stories in my novels and novellas are sweet Southern mid-20th-century romances. I hope you get hours of enjoyment while reading my books. You can read the first chapters now by clicking the Books tab above.

My newest release is Start Again. Please see below for details.

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New Release!
Start Again

Can a year of exchanged letters between strangers turn into love?

Maggie’s faith is important to her. She is confident and needs no reassurance but struggles with loneliness. As her patriotic contribution to America’s involvement in the Korean War, she writes to a soldier stationed there she doesn’t know.

Tom is a soldier who is serving in Korea. The atrocities of war have rocked his faith in God until he feels uncomfortable even going inside a church. In letters he writes to Maggie, Tom doesn’t admit his lack of faith but disguises the truth.

Tom falls in love with Maggie through her letters to him for over a year. When they finally meet, Tom allows Maggie to believe he’s a Christian, and she soon finds herself in love with Tom. Will the shaky foundation they build their future on withstand the half-truths and deception Tom has perpetuated?

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