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Donna worshipped the ground Tommy walked on when she was fifteen, and now he shows up at the diner where she works. Will he remember her and still think of her as her brother’s skinny kid sister? In this sweet romance, could she dream of a beach wedding?

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Hey, there. So glad you came by to visit!

I write sweet Southern romance novels set mostly in the American South in the 1950s and also stirring nonfiction. In my novels, I hope you will find inspiration and a gentle--yet compelling--story that is intriguing and entertaining. About my nonfiction books, a reader wrote that I offer spiritual tonic and hope.

The stories in my novels and novellas  are sweet Southern mid-20th-century romances. I hope you get hours of enjoyment while reading my books. You can read the first chapters now by clicking the Books tab above.

My newest release is Adoration, book 3 in the Emotions of the Heart series. Peace at Christmas: Daily Devotions for December, co-authored by Vickie Phelps and me, is also a recent release. Please read details on these books below.

Again, thanks for coming by. I'd love to hear from you. Just click the Contact tab above to send me an email. You can also find me on Amazon, Facebook, BookBub, and Goodreads.

New Release!

Emotions of the Heart, book 3

From “a wonderful storyteller” of Southern fiction: A trusting teacher who loves with all her heart and a successful lawyer who is naïve about women meet in this 1950s sweet romance of love and deceit.

Fran Wilson secretly gives her heart to Bobby Joe Anderson when they meet. More than a year later, he hasn’t mentioned the word love. What if he has no romantic emotions toward her and never will?

Bobby Joe Anderson is a successful lawyer who can passionately argue cases in a courtroom. However, when it comes to relationships and expressing his feelings, he’s innocently naïve. But if he doesn’t wise up, he may lose Fran, whom he loves.

Fran adores Bobby Joe; however, her patience with him wears thin, and she dates a co-worker she’s just met. But when the new man’s behavior becomes disturbing, she feels unsafe and questions her association with a stranger. Will Fran return to Bobby Joe for her happily ever after? Will he accept Fran after what he considers her betrayal?

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Available Now!
Peace at Christmas

An increase in commercialism at Christmastime can overshadow the true spiritual meaning of the season. Amid all the season’s festivities, take time to remember that it is God who inspired our giving by sending His Son to the world. God provided the first sign of Christmas.

God was the first giver at Christmastime. From His heart of love, He gave the world His only Son, Jesus Christ. May you never forget God’s heart of love for us all as you read these December devotions. This book of daily devotions for December can help strengthen your resolve to remember the real reason for the Christmas season.

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Donna worshipped the ground Tommy walked on when she was fifteen, and now he shows up at the diner where she works. Will he remember her and still think of her as her brother’s skinny kid sister? In this sweet romance, could she dream of a beach wedding?

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